
small groups

BRIDGES—College Age through Young Adults. Meets in Room 280.
—Empty Nesters and Grandparents. Meets in Room 273A.  
FAMILIES OF FAITH—Married parents with children mostly high school and older. Meets in Room 277.  
MARY-MARTHA—Women of all ages.  Meets in Room 278.  
NEW LIFE—Adults seeking to dive deeper into following Jesus through study & fellowship. Meets in Room 284. 
PATHFINDERS—Mostly empty nesters and grandparents.  Meets in Room 276 
WONDERERS—Mostly retired.  Meets in Room 286. 
SOUL FUEL—Adults with varying aged children.  Meets In Room 273C.
BE ON MISSION SMALL GROUP—20-40 Somethings. Meets in Room 203.
CORNERSTONE— Diverse group of adults. Meets in the Library.


SCRIPTURE NINJAS—Mostly parents with older children.  Meets in Room 276.

WEDNESDAY MORNING—Older adults.  Meets In Dining Room. 

GIFT (GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER)—Diverse group of adults. Meets in Room 273A. 
LIVING STONES—55 & over, 1st & 3rd Wednesdays.  Meets in various Homes.
Interested in joining one of these small groups?  sign up for a small group

United methodist men


The Fishers United Methodist Men is a means for men of the congregation to experience spiritual growth and faith development in a group environment.

By strengthening the centrality of Christ in our lives and modeling the servant leadership of Christ, we seek to clarify our roles and responsibilities in family settings, the workplace, and society.

When They Meet

The UMM meets monthly for breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of the month to share concerns and joys, devotionals, prayer, updates on outreach, a hot breakfast, and other activity meeting the needs and interests of the group.

All men of the congregation are considered members of the United Methodist Men. You are invited to join in--2nd Saturday of the month in the Dining Room at 8:00 AM.


The Fishers UMM support the total ministry of the congregation through outreach and mission projects including a few fund raising projects each year and distribution of funds raised to a number of of appropriate organizations consistent with the congregation’s mission, “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world,” To that end, about half of annual monies distributed are directed to the congregation’s strategic mission partners identified by the Missions Committee. The balance of giving (UMM discretionary giving) is vetted and controlled by the UMM with the following items being the primary basis for selecting recipients:
a) Proactive discipleship content of the recipient organization’s activities,
b) Local activity (e.g., Hamilton County or Central Indiana) vs. national/international,
c) Degree to which the activity under consideration serves men,
d) Smaller organization vs. very large (in order to be able to make an impact).
e) Age of people served by proposed organization--youth vs. adult,
f) External activity/organization), vs. internal FUMC activity, and
g) Degree of need of the activity/organization.

It is desirable to define or understand goals for each recipient organization and have feedback on suitable measurables to assess effectiveness of the activity over time.

Who They Support
  • Hope 61--Human Trafficking
  • The Navigators (IUPUI + Regional)--Campus Ministries
  • Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide--(Previously Chaucie’s Place)
  • Prevail, Inc.--Victims of Crime and Abuse, Hamilton County
  • IHN/Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis--Homeless Family Assistance
  • Metro Ministries—via Lenten Breakfast Host
  • Strength for Service—Daily Devotionals for Military and First Responders
  • Scouts (Eagle Scout Projects)--Youth Development
  • Suburban North Club—Prevention of Abuse by Fighting Unhealthy Addictions
  • Matthews Family Mission--Mexico
  • Come to Me Food Pantry—Serving Hamilton County Families in Need
  • United Methodist Committee on Relief—Disaster Relief and Other Services
  • And others


To The Woman Who:
* Who wants to be involved in mission  locally, nationally, and internationally,
* Who is drawn to fellowship with other women searching for a deeper spiritual relationship with God through Jesus Christ
* Who wants to be engaged in the development and use of her skills for  service, leadership and personal growth in her congregation;
* Who is focused on ministries with women, children, and youth;
* Who wants to combine fellowship and outreach opportunities.

We invite you to participate in United Methodist Women of Fishers UMC!
Missions And Social Actions
Some of the missions supported by UMW include the following:
  • Lucille Raines Home
  • Lebanon Children’s home
  • Brightwood Community Center
  • East 10th St Church and Day Care
  • Fletcher Place Community Center
  • Vida Nueva United Methodist Church
  • Fishers UMC Yearly Mission Trips (Youth and Adult)
  • Third Phase
Some past activities included Baby Bundles which provides new baby items for mothers in need through Community North Hospital, Tipton and bi-lingual UMW group in Frankfort, IN. UMW also provided lunch for Hamilton County Habitat of Humanity. Prevail in Noblesville, IN (advocate for victims of crime and abuse in Hamilton and surrounding counties) is a new mission project.
Charity Circle: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00p
Location: Church, Room 278
Co Chairs: Ruth Chrena & Angela Jagger
This is a group that loves to do small service projects around the church and food pantry.  They also help out at special events at an IPS school and occasionally eat out together!  Some of them are working women and some are retired.
Grace CircleFourth Tuesday of the month at 11:00a
Location: Church, Room 203
Chair: Laurie Ogle
This is a group of women of all ages who are dedicated to loving women and children both locally and abroad.  They come together quarterly to do mission work, are active in UMW seasonal events, MOPS, and come alongside other UMW circles in local service projects. 
Hope Circle: 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30pm
Location: Various Restaurants
Chair: Sandy Walden
This is a group of made up of moms (although all are welcome).  They enjoy getting together to provide friendship and support as they navigate challenges of raising Godly children.  Throughout the year they participate in various service projects connected to the church.
Joy Circle: 4th Tuesday of each month at 2:00p
Location: Fishers UMC Dining Room
Co Chairs: Darcy Bryant & Rita Sowers
This is a group that has a a devotion or a lesson and discuss UMW business.



Our Fifty Plus group meets on the second Friday of each month for lunch at 11:30a in the gym. Lunch is followed by a program which may include a presentation on various topics, musical entertainment, or storytelling. For more information contact Jennifer Pugh at 


This group meets the 4th Tuesday evening of each month from 7:00pm-8:30pm in Room 280. If you are interested or need more information, contact Kim Arnott at