Care & Support


The “Come-To-Me” Food Pantry opened its doors on October 17th, 2007, as an outreach ministry of Fishers United Methodist Church.  Since then the Food Pantry has grown into a community-wide effort helping to feed thousands of individuals and families in Hamilton County.  Our goal continues to be to show love and care to those in need by providing once per month a week’s supply of food and personal care items.  So far over 2 million pounds of food and personal care items have been distributed!  It has been an amazing blessing to see the many ways God is providing for this ministry, and how people’s lives our being transformed by the love of Christ.

The food pantry is open each Wednesday from 1:00-7:00pm.  
Please note: If there is a 5th Wednesday in the month, the food pantry is closed.
The food pantry is located in the Fishers UMC Fellowship Hall building which sits in the south parking lot of the church (9691 E. 116th Street). Individuals and families should enter through the front doors of the building off of IKEA Way.  The food pantry is wheelchair accessible.   
How Often Can I Receive Food Help? Individuals and families may receive food assistance two times per month on Wednesdays from 1:00-7:00pm. 
What Is Required to Receive Help? A Photo ID and proof of Hamilton County residency (utility bill) are the only required documentation for Pantry services.  Income statements or referrals are not needed.
What Do I Receive? A full weeks worth of food (breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks), laundry, and personal care products are provided to each individual and family. 

August Food Needs:
  • Canned black beans

  • Canned kidney beans

  • Boxed scalloped potatoes

  • Cornbread stuffing

  • Canned chicken broth

Donations may be dropped off at the food pantry on Wednesdays between 9:30am and 7:00pm.  Simply give the donations to any of our volunteers. 


You can give monetarily by tapping the link below. 

Give Online


Interested in giving a donation to the food pantry in memory of someone?  Give via our special Memorial giving page.

Memorial giving online

Thank you very much for all of your donations! 
 (*Don’t forget The “Come to Me” Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your donations are tax deductible.)

Please contact Linda Williams with any questions at 
The food pantry would not be able to help so many people without the generosity of so many groups and organizations such as:

Cornerstone Lutheran Church
Holy Spirit Geist
Noblesville 1st United Methodist
Emmanuel United Methodist
Fishers Order of Eastern Star
Geist Christian Church
New Hope Church
Journey Lutheran Ministries
Crossroads Community Church
Bethlehem United Methodist
Servants of Christ Lutheran Church
Crew Car Wash
Del Webb
Fall Creek Township
Fishers Masons
Fishers Newcomers Club
Fishers Rotary
Flexware Innovation
Food Florist
Good Samaritan
Harvest Food Bank
Heritage Hoosier Farms
Johnson Control
Krenolis Donuts
Marian, Inc
Meijer – McCordsville
Midwest Food Bank
Papa Johns
Panera – Noblesville
Rise and Roll 
Tri Kappa
VCA Animal Hospital
Brooks School Elementary
Fishers Elementary
Fishers Junior High
Goddard School - 116th Street
Hamilton Southeastern High School
Lantern Road Elementary
Rainbow Station – Geist
Sandcreek Intermediate
Southeastern Elementary
Hamilton County Girl Scouts 


Special Needs Support Group That Meets At Fishers United Methodist Church
Meets the Third Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm Room 141 (Music Ministry Room)
Enter Door #1 on North Side Of Building


Who We Are

We are family members and/or care-givers of children and adults who have physical or intellectual handicaps due to birth defects, injury, or aging. Our members include:

  • Parents, guardians, siblings, extended family members, and advocates of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Family members who are faced with placing an aging adult into a long time care facility, such as assisted living or nursing facility.
  • Teachers and providers of services to the persons with special needs.
  • Anyone who is interested in the issues that face any of the above, including professional care givers, members of government agencies, non-profit organizations and members of the general population who are interested in these issues.

The purpose of this ministry is to provide spiritual and emotional support to the families of intellectually and developmentally disabled children and adults. Participants are encouraged to share their own personal experiences and what they have learned from those experiences. We share Information on current bills being considered by state and national legislatures that will impact our loved one and our families. We also share information and experiences in working with state agencies, residential companies, schools, churches, and the medical community. Our participants are encouraged to become mentors (sharing how to “navigate the system”) since they first began seeking assistance for their loved one.


Although not part of the primary target groups, persons with special needs and their families we welcome other interested parties, such as extended families, neighbors, and representatives of agencies that serve the special needs community. Hopefully these “friends” of the special needs community will gain much needed insight into the concerns of these families and take what they learn back to their own families or agencies. This will, hopefully, result in improved and more appropriate services from agencies and better understanding between the special needs community and the community at large.


We have three main groups:

  • Parents and caregivers of persons with intellectual and/or physical disabilities.
  • Siblings of persons with intellectual and/or physical disabilities.
  • Adult children who are faced with caring for an aging adult in their own home, their loved one’s home, or placing their loved one in a care facility.
At this time all groups will meet quarterly in a combined meeting where we will have a speaker or panel discussion of an issue of mutual interest that has been chosen by the group at large. We will also have separate “break-out” meetings of the three main groups. The frequency of the meetings and the topics of those meetings are decided by the individual groups.

We hope in the future to be able to provide the following activities for those participants who are interested:

  • Outings such as trips to Indianapolis Zoo or Children’s Museum, attend an Indians game, etc. The outings can be for families or just for siblings and their IDD siblings
  • Fairs where related associations (such as ARC, Alzheimer’s, etc.) can set up booths to provide information about their association or government agency.
  • Thanksgiving dinner for the families and their loved one. It will be a celebration of blessings that they have received as the parents, siblings, children of these “special” people in their lives.

Why Immanuel?

Immanuel is a biblical name meaning “a child whose birth symbolizes the presence of God, or ‘God is with us’”.
All persons are the children of God, and God is in our loved ones, and through them, He is with us.

prayer ministry


The lives of early Christians were characterized by matchless generosity, reliance on God, and a profound devotion to prayer. In Acts 2:46-47, Luke records, “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

The Christian movement grew rapidly because of God’s response to the believers’ diligence, passion, and faithfulness in prayer. Jesus taught us in Luke 11:9-10 to “ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” It is because Jesus told us that he will respond to our asking, seeking, and knocking, that prayer is to be a core commitment with Christians and the church. We believe that we express our faith, love, and dependence on God through lives of prayer and worship. Fishers United Methodist Church demonstrates this with its commitment to an organized and faithful prayer ministry.

The mission of the Prayer Ministry is to support the Fishers United Methodist Church community as inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Ministry will INTERCEDE to God consistently on behalf of the church leaders and its members. ENCOURAGE, MOTIVATE, and HELP church members to an active life of prayer and to participate in the weekly prayer activities with the ultimate goal of turning God’s House, the church building, into a House of Prayer (Isa 56:7; Matt 21:13) The prayer ministry will conduct prayer classes, meetings, or sessions, and will respond to pray with others in the body of Christ for specific concerns and needs of people within and outside our church community.

How To Join

If you are interested in participating in this prayer ministry by lifting up Fishers United Methodist Church to the Lord, praying for others, meeting people's needs, interceding, etc., then may the Lord guide you to join us here in this spiritual ministry. Opportunities exist for intercessory prayer warriors to pray either at home on their own or in group settings, and/or to pray for others in a personal face to face situation. 

sign up

Prayer Requests

submit a prayer request

submit an answered prayer

Please use the above form or write to   when prayers are answered to report, and if possible, post the answer to your prayer. We remind those submitting prayer requests to please let us know when you have received an answer to prayer. We receive so many prayer requests and know that many of you have heard an answer. Please be reminded that we and the prayer warriors and partners are so blessed when you give glory to the Lord for your answered prayers and share how the Lord is blessing your life.