What Is The Endowment Fund?
Mission, Purpose, Why

How is it Managed?
Who, Charter, Bylaws & Policies

What About Contributions?
How, Distribution, Requirements, Benefits

Do You Have Questions?
Contact us

What Is The Endowment Fund?
Mission, Purpose, Why
The creation of the Endowment is a commitment to the future of Fishers UMC's mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for transformation of the world. A fund established by the Church is a means to ensure the further advancement of the Kingdom of God by gifts, devises, and bequests. Today, Tomorrow, and Forever!
1. Meet the present generation’s needs.
2. Preserve money to take care of future needs.
The present generation’s gifts will proclaim to the next generation the need to be faithful stewards.
Endowment Funds are witness to a larger dimension of stewardship by continuing to support the faith and ministries we love and want to support, even after we depart this world. Endowment Funds help the Church do more than rely solely on the church’s ministry budget. The Endowment Fund is not a crutch upon which the Church leans, but is instead, a stepladder to help the Church do more and reach even farther year after year.
Download a brief overview of the Endowment Fund.

How is it Managed?
Who, Charter, Bylaws & Policies
The investment of the Endowment Fund is overseen by the Endowment Committee using professional fund managers who provide expertise and planning for the perpetual support for our church funding. Appointed by the Church Council, the Endowment Committee uses their collective wisdom and experience to make endowment fund decisions.
A document titled, Endowment Fund Charter, has been approved by the Charge Conference and serves as the Bylaws.

What About Contributions?
How, Distribution, Requirements, Benefits
- Cash Donation*
- Charitable remainder trusts
- Charitable life estates
- Qualified charitable distributions from IRAs
- Grants from Donor Advised Funds
- Direct gifts
- Wills and Bequests
- Beneficiary designations
- Charitable gift annuities
*Cash gifts can be made by check, payable to Fishers United Methodist Church with “Endowment Fund” included on the memo line. Or can be made online HERE.
It is not intended that Endowment Fund income provide for the general operating expenses of the church. It is intended that the church’s annual giving and operating budget support the normal and customary church activities. Endowment Fund income should support ministries beyond normal church activities or help to start new ministries.
Money can be given into any of four different accounts which guide how the earnings are to be spent or if meeting specific criteria its use can be designated by the donor. The four accounts are as follow:
• Undesignated: These are not designated for a specific purpose or otherwise restricted by the donor. Income from this account will be used to fund missions or ministries selected by the Endowment Committee.
• Ministries: Will further ministries of the church.
• Outreach: Will be used to further the outreach of the church.
• Property: Will be used to enhance the property of the church.
The money received by the Endowment Fund will be invested through the United Methodist Foundation of Indiana, Inc., or other financial institution to be held in trust for management and investment purposes.
Gifts of any size or value are welcomed by the Fund. Donations to any of the four general accounts (undesignated, ministries, outreach, or property) have no minimum contribution requirement. Gifts set-up as donor designated accounts have a $10,000 minimum requirement.
Contributions can help endow, perpetually, a ministry that has touched your life or that of your family and friends. Your gifts make an impact on the lives of others by funding a ministry, so the Church can reach countless people in the years to come. The Endowment Committee makes distributions as needed to meet the needs of the Church. Additionally, there are income, gift, estate, or capital gains tax advantages. Fishers UMC can put you and/or your attorney in touch with professionals who can discuss which gifts or bequests can be made in the most meaningful way to you, your family, and your church.
The information presented herein has been developed internally by Fishers United Methodist Church and/or obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, the Church does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of such information presented.
Please consult with your financial and legal advisors before making any contributions or gifts to the Endowment Fund.

Do You Have Questions?
Contact us
Members of the Endowment committee can answer questions regarding the Endowment fund. If interested, they can generally assist in deciding how you want to contribute and also assist with finding professionals that can help implement your wishes.
Use the below form to submit questions.