We are family members and/or care-givers of children and adults who have physical or intellectual handicaps due to birth defects, injury, or aging. Our members include:
The purpose of this ministry is to provide spiritual and emotional support to the families of intellectually and developmentally disabled children and adults. Participants are encouraged to share their own personal experiences and what they have learned from those experiences. We share Information on current bills being considered by state and national legislatures that will impact our loved one and our families. We also share information and experiences in working with state agencies, residential companies, schools, churches, and the medical community. Our participants are encouraged to become mentors (sharing how to “navigate the system”) since they first began seeking assistance for their loved one.
Although not part of the primary target groups, persons with special needs and their families we welcome other interested parties, such as extended families, neighbors, and representatives of agencies that serve the special needs community. Hopefully these “friends” of the special needs community will gain much needed insight into the concerns of these families and take what they learn back to their own families or agencies. This will, hopefully, result in improved and more appropriate services from agencies and better understanding between the special needs community and the community at large.
We have three main groups:
We hope in the future to be able to provide the following activities for those participants who are interested:
Immanuel is a biblical name meaning “a child whose birth symbolizes the presence of God, or ‘God is with us’”.
All persons are the children of God, and God is in our loved ones, and through them, He is with us.