prayer ministry


The lives of early Christians were characterized by matchless generosity, reliance on God, and a profound devotion to prayer. In Acts 2:46-47, Luke records, “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

The Christian movement grew rapidly because of God’s response to the believers’ diligence, passion, and faithfulness in prayer. Jesus taught us in Luke 11:9-10 to “ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” It is because Jesus told us that he will respond to our asking, seeking, and knocking, that prayer is to be a core commitment with Christians and the church. We believe that we express our faith, love, and dependence on God through lives of prayer and worship. Fishers United Methodist Church demonstrates this with its commitment to an organized and faithful prayer ministry.

The mission of the Prayer Ministry is to support the Fishers United Methodist Church community as inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Ministry will INTERCEDE to God consistently on behalf of the church leaders and its members. ENCOURAGE, MOTIVATE, and HELP church members to an active life of prayer and to participate in the weekly prayer activities with the ultimate goal of turning God’s House, the church building, into a House of Prayer (Isa 56:7; Matt 21:13) The prayer ministry will conduct prayer classes, meetings, or sessions, and will respond to pray with others in the body of Christ for specific concerns and needs of people within and outside our church community.

How To Join

If you are interested in participating in this prayer ministry by lifting up Fishers United Methodist Church to the Lord, praying for others, meeting people's needs, interceding, etc., then may the Lord guide you to join us here in this spiritual ministry. Opportunities exist for intercessory prayer warriors to pray either at home on their own or in group settings, and/or to pray for others in a personal face to face situation. 

sign up

Prayer Requests

submit a prayer request

submit an answered prayer

Please use the above form or write to   when prayers are answered to report, and if possible, post the answer to your prayer. We remind those submitting prayer requests to please let us know when you have received an answer to prayer. We receive so many prayer requests and know that many of you have heard an answer. Please be reminded that we and the prayer warriors and partners are so blessed when you give glory to the Lord for your answered prayers and share how the Lord is blessing your life.