Tap on the links below to view the daily readings, devotions and poems.
    Week 19 Day 2
    05.16.23 | Be On Mission

    Paul Takes Timothy for Training Scripture: Acts 16:1-5(NIV) 1 Paul came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was Jewish and a believer but whose father was a Greek. 2 The believers at Lystra and...

      Week 19 Day 1
      05.15.23 | Be On Mission

      Settled Debates & New Conflicts Scripture: Acts 15:22-41 (NIV) 22 Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, decided to choose some of their own men and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas (called...

        Week 18 Day 5
        05.12.23 | Be On Mission

        The Power of Patience and Prayer Scripture: James 5 (NIV) 1 Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are...

          Week 18 Day 4
          05.11.23 | Be On Mission

          True Submission to God Scripture: James 4 (NIV) 1 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you...

            Week 18 Day 3
            05.10.23 | Be On Mission

            Wisdom in Monitoring the Mouth Scripture: James 3 (NIV) 1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at...

              Week 18 Day 2
              05.09.23 | Be On Mission

              Faith Put into Action Scripture: James 2 (NIV) 1 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in...

                Week 18 Day 1
                05.08.23 | Be On Mission

                Honoring God by Our Walk and Talk Scripture: James 1 (NIV) 1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you...

                  Week 17 Day 5
                  05.05.23 | Be On Mission

                  James, Brother of Jesus, Defends Paul Scripture: Acts 15:12-21 (NIV) 12 The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them. 13 When they...

                    Week 17 Day 4
                    05.04.23 | Be On Mission

                    Paul Debates the Pharisee Believers Scripture: Acts 15:5-11 (NIV) 5 Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of...

                      Week 17 Day 3
                      05.03.23 | Be On Mission

                      The Debate Over Circumcision Scripture: Acts 15:1-4 (NIV) 1 Certain people came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers: “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be...

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