Arrival Time
Many people arrive a bit early. If you have kids attending Sunday School at 9:45am, you may want to arrive a few minutes early to get them checked in.
Many people arrive a bit early. If you have kids attending Sunday School at 9:45am, you may want to arrive a few minutes early to get them checked in.
Greeters will welcome you at Doors 2 & 3. All services are currently located in the Sanctuary and Doors 2 & 3 are the most convenient way to get there.
We mostly keep things casual. Jeans, pants, suits, dresses. Come as you are.
We have two worship styles, both centered on music, prayer, scripture and a message. Traditional Worship features a full choir and organ, Contemporary features a band of various sizes from week to week.
Each service shares a Biblically-focused message. We love to learn.
Sunday School is at 9:45am for all ages. Please enter Door 4 for all Sunday School classes.
We can help. Give us a call at (317) 849-1805 (M-F 9am-4:30pm) or email
Fishers UMC 9691 E. 116th Street Fishers, IN 46037